Our Cause

CROP Hunger Walk

Did you know that 3.6 miles is the average distance people in third world countries must walk to obtain clean water?

As a food manufacturer and distributor, we strongly believe that NO person should ever have to go without the basic needs of food and water. To help that cause, we are proud supporters of the CROP Hunger Walk, a nationwide endeavor to raise money to alleviate hunger and poverty in this country and overseas. Their concept is simple: ending hunger one step at a time.

Our corporate headquarters is based in Charlotte, NC and we are involved in the Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk each Fall. Charlotte is the largest CROP Hunger Walk in the country in both the amount of funds raised and the number of walkers who participate. Since its first walk in 1978, Charlotte has raised almost $8 million to relieve hunger, with almost $2 million staying in the community to help local charities Crisis Assistance Ministry, Loaves & Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina provide relief to people in need.

CROP Hunger Walks: we can do so much in 2018


Our Truly Good Foods team is helping to end hunger one step at a time by participating in this year’s CROP Hunger Walk.

Please support us by making a donation and join us on the Walk!



Our Truly Good Foods team is helping to end hunger one step at a time by participating in this year’s CROP Hunger Walk.

Please support us by making a donation and join us on the Walk!