November 19, 2014
Interested in what snack mixes are selling best in your region? Take a look below at TGF’s top-selling products and contact your Truly Good Foods rep HERE to add these items to your product offerings.
1. Sunburst
2. Happy Hour Mix
3. Pep in your Step
4. Mexicali Fire
5. Trail Mix
1. Sweet Heat
2. Sunburst
3. Mexicali Fire
4. Pep in your Step
5. Happy Hour Mix
1. Sweet Tooth
2. Sunburst
3. Banana Split
4. Wild About Wasabi
5. French Quarter Blend
1. Sunburst
2. Sweet Heat
3. Sweet Tooth
4. Cajun Harvest
5. Perfectly Fit
Tags: Banana Split, Cajun Harvest, French Quarter Blend, Happy Hour Mix, Mexicali Fire, pep in your step, Perfectly Fit, Sunburst, Sweet Heat, sweet tooth, top-selling, trail mix, Wild About Wasabi
Contact us to become a retailer and offer the highest quality and boldest snacks to your customers.
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